Closest.. To You…


Closestto you

While… in…

The… company of…

Frédéric Chopins

Concerto… pour piano…


My eyes… close…

My lashes… flutter…

Wet… with tears…

You’re… there…

With… me.

Remember the concert where you performed… playing the piano…

Mozart… Brahms…



You… were…



How I adored your emotions that spilled out… splashed on the black and white notes… which your eloquent hands loved so well.

Your slim form… hunched with concentration… spoke volumes with the passion… fascination… you felt for your God given talent.

Delving into Chopin… filled me with your presence… we were enveloped with the magic of his genius… bonded forever in the indescribable… smouldering emotions… twin feelings… of a certain mythical destiny.

For ions… I haven’t been within your aura.  It’s been a devastatingly delirious pain… pining for you… missing you… beyond.

Your intense gaze… your tender touch… our shared silences… robed in the mystery of the mythical… the power of the force that exists between us… that pulls us like a magnet… into each other’s orbit… entrancing is the legacy of feelings… that exist in our galaxy.

Barren… empty…


Existence would be… without this dazzling thing we quantify as… love.

Apart we’ve been… for too long…

But you know… my one love… you are with me.. within me.. every moment of the day… in the intimate darkness of the night.

Together… we’ll be in the coming of time.

But for now… listening to the Sonatas… Concertos… Symphonies… of the divine composers… will be our gift from heaven…

That… will…

Bring… me…





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