Barack Obama – A Cool Operator…
Barack Obama is on a state visit to Brazil…
That is “cool”.
Andrew Roberts, writing in the “Mail on Sunday”, describes Colonel Muammar Gaddafi as a leader who is “not a man from whom other world leaders would usually be advised to take guidance”. But adds that “last week, when pushed into a corner by the UN’s vote to take military action against his forces in Libya, he proved himself a swift decision-maker, claiming to have ordered an immediate ceasefire against his people”…
Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be a false and bogus statement.
He makes the comparison between the Colonel and the President of the United States, stating that Obama is beginning to be known as “The Great Vacillator”, comparing his indecision to the swift decision taken by Gaddafi.
In my view, Gaddafi has nothing to lose – having ruled his country as a brutal dictator, enriching himself and his sons “en route”, at the expense of his people, who were deprived of the abundance and riches of the land. He knows his days are numbered and that he has lost all legitimacy to rule Libya.
One should never shoot a tiger in the foot – its retaliation will be lethal and ferocious. In the case of the Colonel (a cunning fox, rather than a beautiful tiger), his being shot in the foot made him even fiercer and bolder in his attempt to save his neck, hence his swift and decisive decision, by announcing a false ceasefire.
If I remember anything from my psychology class at university, it is elementary knowledge that such treacherous lies usually stem from a huge ego, huge insecurity, and huge cowardice. It is NOT a sign of great intelligence, nor cool logic – it is delusional, weak, and the immature drivel of an unhinged mind.
Refuting Robert’s contention, Obama, I believe, has done the right thing – completely. He has a cool, brilliant head on his shoulders, i.e. his decision to engage the international community, the United Nations, the Arab League in the conflict – was wise and masterful.
His administration was keen on projecting an opposite foreign policy to that of the impulsive cowboy-like politics of George W. Bush who did not share the depth of personality, nor the maturity, cool-headedness, and strategy of the U.S. President.
He is also responsible for his people, the American public. It is anathema for Obama to make hasty decisions, abusing his supreme power as Commander-in-Chief. It would also be irresponsible for him, I believe, to take risks at this moment in time, when his country has suffered severe setbacks economically, and on the world stage.
Having successfully ensured all allies were totally engaged and involved in the conflict against Muammar Gaddafi, only then did Obama give the go-ahead for the U.S. involvement in military intervention.
That is cool and decisive strategy…
Barack Obama is not interested in the “THRILL” of power, as many other politicians are, but rather in achieving a fair and just democracy in any country that wishes to follow in the footsteps of “The Greater Democracy”.
“Hail to the Chief”… Barack Obama.