Only… in Paris…
An amazing… experience…
On our way… to an exhibition…
Upon… alighting…
From… the metro at the…
Bastille… station…
We came upon… a group of…
The conductress…
A young attractive woman of blond hair… piled into a romantic “chignon“… was cradling a violin in her arm while assembling the members of her mini-orchestra… looking at their leader attentively… while each had a different instrument… to play and perform with…
She signalled with a smile and a nod… for them to commence playing…
A heavenly sound emanated from within this enclave inside the metro… an orchestration of classical music… played in…
Perfect pitch… divine harmony…
A… compelling sight…
A… unison of sublime sound…
We were… pleasantly surprised…
Actually… more like in complete delight…
To be in audience with an accomplished group of musicians… “l‘Orchestre Métropolitain de Paris“… with the honed talent of a lovely woman conductor… in the underground station of the Bastille metro station…
We tentatively edged our way towards them as they came to their triumphant… “finale”… where we dropped a few euros in the opened case of a violin…
We left feeling… on top of the world…
Enriched… energised…
Muttering… with a smile…
“Only… in…