L’Été Indien… at the Café de Flore…

"Le Café de Flore"... Peinture - huile sur toile d'Alain Nonn - 2002...

LÉté Indien


We’ve been… experiencing the rays of…

A… thousand sunshines…

Which have blessed us… with an Indian summer…

In mid… “presque“… winter…??


It had to be the… “terrasse” of the…

Café de Flore


Quellejoie de vivre


In spite of all the doom and gloom… “Les citoyens Parisiens“…  have been enduring due to President François Hollandes… unpopular austerity measures…

At our favourite Café de Flore...

The Café de Flore… promises to alleviate ALL…

Shockingly… there has been an enormous exodus of the… “Frenchies”… as the British “journaux” describe the French who have crossed… “La Manche“…

The clever… the efficient… the cultured… “la crème de la crème”… of Parisian bankers… entrepreneurs… businessmen have defected to London… to flee from the 75% wealth tax Hollande has imposed… inflicted upon the infrastructure of the rich and the wealthy of… “la haute société française“…

Not to mention the various gaffes that Hollandes Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and his government have been repeatedly committing… since day one… whereby even the left-wing “Libération” newspaper’s front-page headline described the two French leaders as… “Les Apprentis“… the apprentices…


A brain drain… has occurred…


“Quel horreur”…

Only the pavement cafés… the café culture in Paris… have the perfect remedy for such a state of national deprivation… degradation… annihilation of their “joie de vivre”… 75% taxation… is a cause of deep collective depression of the French psyche…

However, meeting at our favourite Café de Flore… we… the citizens of Paris… are allowed to pontificate about the horrid… torrid… state of affairs or lack of them… while our befuddled President figures out how to make peace between the two “femmes fatales” fighting over him… his ex-wife Ségolène Royal and his partner the lovely if erratic Valérie Trierweiler.

In the meantime we… “les citoyens“… thoroughly enjoy sipping our wine… while moaning and groaning at the “mauvaise situation de l’économie française”we’re drowning in… But… with the unexpected generosity of the glorious sun rays shining upon us… lifting our Libération's front page "Les Apprentis"...spirits in an… “Été Indien“…


There is… no lovelier place…

To be sitting in… sipping wine on the pavement “terrasse” than…

The haunt of… Sartrede Beauvoir

Our… favourite…

The… legendary…




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