Too Proud… to Weep…
A… huge…
Big… tear…
No… two…
Were welling… hovering… at the edge of my eye…
A young boy of twelve… maybe thirteen… speaking on CNN…
The… subject…
The… Syrian Crisis…
A… refugee…
His face innocent… yet knowing…
His light eyes… pleading…
Have seen… too much…
He spoke with… heartbreaking sadness…
Attempting to explain in perfect English… to Ivan Watson the CNN war correspondent… what it felt like to be deprived of his country… his homeland… from which he has been forced to leave by the power of mortars… guns… and indiscriminate deadly air raid bombing…
By his very own… President…
He is one of many young refugees who in fact should be attending school… instead of living in refugee camps… within the Turkish border. His pain is felt even more acutely… since it is not a foreign alien enemy that has made him and thousands of his countrymen flee for their lives…
His obvious dismay is that… the enemy is from within…
It is his… very own government…
Politicians… dictators…
So-called… presidents…
Talk… the talk…
Pontificate… but do not…
Walk… the walk…
Those so-called leaders forever fall in the same trap… inflicting upon others… the horrors…
The hell… the brutality…
That… is war.
Throughout history nothing has changed… the butchering goes on unabated…
A disappointing ritual… a seemingly endless repetition of the human condition… a corrupt human mind… The lust for power… is always their objective… rather than the nurturing and love of humanity…
Shame… shaming… shameful…
These young boys… these children…
Bravely safeguarding their pride… that has been shattered by their elders…
These… refugee children…
Are our children… everyone’s children…
They need attention… they require help…
The basics of life… a bath… food… safety… security… education… love… it is their human right… as citizens of the world.
When… will their leaders realise… that war and hate have never solved anything.
Throughout history… man has failed to learn that the ultimate victor…
Is… compassion…
The lack of… adoration of power…
Think of the children… you too were young… helpless… trusting… before “les coulisses du pouvoir“… the corridors of power… lured… seduced… blinded you to the needs of the innocent… the young… the elderly… humanity…
Stop… the killing…
Stop… the torture…
No acquisition of land nor country… is worth the suffering we saw on the face of this courageous young boy… from the savage ravages of the raging inter-fighting civil war in his country.
His… trembling lips…
His… pain…
Moved us… so…
His… tears…
On… the edge…
Too proud… to weep…
To shed… a tear…
Shed… it…