Le Pierrot… An Old World Gem…

Le Pierrot...

Far… from…

The… maddening heat…

We… took refuge…

In the… “brasserie classique“…

Le Pierrot

But… first…

Let me… describe…

The exciting route we took by chance… to discover this old world gem…

It was on a day during the unrelenting heat wave in Paris… … with temperatures reaching the mid-thirties (°C)… “une canicule“… 

The metro at Dauphine… was not only a dark cool refuge from the scorching hot rays of the sun… but also proved to be the beginning of an unexpectedly delightful scenic little journey crossing a vast area of the river Seine… over the Pont de Bir-Hakeim… where we suddenly come “face à face” with the impossibly awesome Tour Eiffel… towering powerfully over the entrancing terrain…

Le pont de Bir-Hakeim...

Quellebelle vue“…

We alighted at Motte-Picquet-Grenelle… an elevated metro station built on a bridge dating back to 1906 in the 15th arrondissement… next to the 7th arrondissement…  name after Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte… who was an Admiral of the French Royal Navy during the reign of Louis XV and Louis XIV… and was famed for his involvement in French naval support for the Americans during the American Revolutionary War. The “quartier” Grenelle was a peripheral commune to Paris during the second quarter of the 19th century… later incorporated into the city in 1860 by the legendary Baron Haussmann at the time of Napoléon III

Brasserie Le Pierrot… was beckoning…

“Dans un décor Belle époque restauré, Le Pierrot, a été crée au début du siècle… le décor Belle Epoque de cette brasserie lui confère une atmosphère très parisienne…”

Nothing compares to the old world charm of the Paris brasseries… of the Belle Epoque era… far away from the madding crowd… all that is high-tech and uber-connected in today’s… confused troubled modern existence…

Le Pierrot… is…

Charming… gracious…


An… oasis…

For… frazzled nerves…

It is a rare experience… in today’s fast-paced lifestyle…

Avenue de la Motte-Picquet...Where one is inspired… to contemplate…

Visualize… imagine…

To… create…

To… dream…

It’s… blissful…




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