Damian Aspinall.. A Passionate Conservationist…

Damian Aspinall.. the conservationist...DamianAspinalls

Plea… from the heart…

Look into the eyes…

of a caped tiger…

Had a… huge impact…

On… me…

I empathise… sympathize…

Totally… completely…

With his crusade to free animals… cooped up in beastly zoos…

Watching these creatures… these big cats of sheer beauty… roam in the wild where they are… “Born Free“… to hunt for their food… fondle their offspring and generally explore… relish the freedom of their terrain… as well as “complex social relations” came as…

A… revelation…

An… elation…

Nothing on this planet compares… to the raw magnificence of the wild tiger… the stunning beauty of a leopard languishing on a tree… the mystery of a black jaguar… or the blond litheness of a lioness fondling its litter of adorable cubs… or scanning the wide wild spaces of the savannah for predators…

It is so… not acceptable…

To force those beasts of beauty… into locked-up accommodation with very little space to move… to socialize… with “no shade…. little shelter no privacy at all… no wonder they develop self-destructive behaviour known as ‘zoochosis’…”

Aspinall… a passionate conservationist who owns two wildlife parks in Kent… “Howletts“… and “Port Lympne“… which home gorillas… rhinos… elephants… as well as other wildlife… explains that the money he makes from the parks is for the animal upkeep… to help fund his… Aspinall Foundation… which is a conservation initiative to return “captive bred animals to the wild“… which he has already accomplished more than any other organization in the world…

“Eh bien”… his most fervent hope…

His greatest… achievement…

Would be to close… Howllets and Port Lympne… for good…

That… to me…

Is the… ultimate…

Civilized… mind…

A noble… human being…

“En plus”… Damien Aspinall is not over optimistic… on the contrary… he is proposing a decent “phasing out”… of the horrendous… artificial… torturous zoos… over a period of 20 to 30 years…


Animals who cannot speak for themselves… nor defend their rights… should have the right to live in dignity and freedom…

Change… towards the plight of those beautiful creatures… who share our planet… should be derived from us… the collective intention of individuals

Achieving… that…

We would not… ever again…

Be… ashamed…

Of… looking into…

The… eyes of

A… caged tiger“…


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