Games of Nations… Boys Will Be Boys…
The Games… of Nations…
The… hilarious…
Pathetic… political games…
Are… still being…
On the world stage… today…
It’s… called…
“The… amorality…
Of… power...”
Upon reading Miles Copeland’s book “The Game of Nations“… it became increasingly clear that heads of state are not very different from young boys… playing games on their computers….
We watch on CNN, France 24, BBC… world leaders… from the elegantly cautious “cool” President Obama to the excitable Mr. Cameron… not to mention the “idiotic” (as the British describe) Mr. Hollande of France… scurrying… posturing… their ego’s being massaged according to their stature and station on the world stage…
Bashar al-Assad and Putin… are the bad guys… the “nasties”…
Their decision…
Cameron… stating his case for wishing to attack the regime of the tyrant Bashar al-Assad said… “the use of chemical weapons is morally indefensible“…
Obama… Cameron…
All agree… that the dictator must be taught a lesson…
A collective… moral indignation…
Quite… so…!
However… would the melodramatic plunging into this bloody mess… solve the problem…?
Putting it bluntly…
Although Bashar al-Assad is a wicked ruthless dictator… the alternative – “the rebels” – might be by far worse… namely al-Qaïda militants…
Why then the… “military engagement”…
Well… boys will be boys…
Our own Hollande is more than eager to engage in a power battle to salvage his disastrous reputation in France… Cameron‘s obsession in delving into this unwinnable foray is possibly due to his mistaken belief that it will enhance his reputation and hopes for re-election in Britain…
Has not Cameron learned a thing or two from the reviled “war-mongering” of the posturing Blair… who has left a legacy of mistrust… in the minds and hearts of people…?
Eh bien…
Monsieur Cameron…
Take… note…
That the so-called… world leaders…
The… Obama‘s…
Hollande‘s… of this world…
Stop the urge of playing this immature and dangerous game of chess…the so called…
“Amorality of power”…
“The… game…
Of… nations“…
Please boys… grow up and get a life…
Before… it’s…