Love Letter… from an… Unknown Woman…

“Love Letter… from an… Unknown Woman”…

Forget… forgetting… forgot…

Ah, the bliss of forgetting you, my love…

It’s been a month and a half… since I saw you last…

It felt like… forever…

A… decade…

A… lifetime…

I willed my psyche… my mind… my whole being… not to think of you…

I couldn’t bear… the torture of missing you…

Not… seeing you…

Not.. touching you…

Not… being with you…

Not… holding… embracing… drowning in you.

No… no more…

I said… to myself…


I don’t… love him…

I don’t… need him…

It’s over… over… over…

The pain… the longing… the yearning for him…

His love… his presence… his “aura”…

It’s over… OVER!

I busied myself… with exciting projects in the Arts… in writing… in French literature.

I… succeeded…

But… was… half alive.

I functioned feebly… life was meaningless… tasteless…

I felt numb… sad… nostalgic… miserable… forcing myself…

Not… to think…

Not… to miss…

I thought… less and less of him…

Until… today…

Today… I saw him… I was with him…

His visage… his being… his aura… enveloped me.

That feeling… of Divine blissful pain and torture of the soul… was hesitantly hovering around me…

Seducing… me.

I resisted… but it… persisted…

Slowly… slowly… permeating every cell in my body…

I succumbed…

Allowing myself… to drown into the divine bliss… that is… Love…

I succumbed…

To the torture… of thinking of him every minute… of every day…

“Je pense à toi chaque jour, surtout quand j’écoute Mozart et Françoise Hardy”

J t’adore… you wispered…

The perfect bliss…

Of thinking of you again…

While listening to… “our music”… is flooding within me again.

Your… face…

Your… aura…

Your… being…

Envelopes my mind…

My thoughts… my heart…

My… soul…

My… love…




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