“Une… histoire d’amour”…

My lips say… “it’s over”…

My heart… denies it…

I followed “my love” into his darkened room…

Of shades and shadows… paintings on walls… exotic plants in corners…

A piano where he plays his beloved… Mozart… Schubert…

My heart beating, I offered him a long-stemmed white rose…

Closing his eyes… he inhaled its heady aroma… deeply…


My heart was racing… flooding with the love I’ve lived with… for so long…

He is my love…

My life.

My “raison d’être”.

The man… I can’t forget… won’t forget…

Even as I… deny him…

My thoughts… bely me.

Several years have moved… since I met him.

It was… love… love… love…

At first sight.

Un “coup de foudre”.

We’re in our mature years…

Yet, when we meet, we’re…

Young… alive… vibrant…


He’s tall, dark, and French-thin… like only the French can be thin.



I’m “jeune”…

In my blondness…


Innocently… seductive.


We’re not free…

He’s holding my hands…

Gazing deeply into my soul…

If only eyes could speak…

They would tell of…

“Une histoire d’amour”…

My lips reprimand me…

“It’s over”…

I’ve lived with my “thoughts” for the many years we’ve “loved” each other…

They have evolved into “entities” of their own…

I brush them away…

They disappear…


“Pour un moment”.

Only for them to come upon me with a vengeance…

Torturing me… with longing for him…

Missing him…

Needing him…

Wanting him…

I’m in his arms… he’s holding me passionately to his heart…

“Je pense à toi tout le temps”… he whispers…

I’m melting… blending…

We become one…

Heart and soul…

We were never prepared for this…

We did not expect it…

It just happened…

I come alive only when I see him…

I wilt without him…

One… cannot go on…

It’s futile…

It’s a love… unrequited…

A love… unfulfilled…

“It’s over”… my thoughts shriek…

“It’s over”… my heart pleads…

“Je suis amoureux”… he says…

“Mon coeur… et moi aussi”.

My quivering lips say…

“It’s over”…

My beautiful heart…

Denies it…

“C’est une histoire d’amour…

Pour l’éternité”…

“C’est tout”.


One thought on ““Une… histoire d’amour”…

  • 23rd October 2011 at 7:55 pm

    I was so moved, that tears came streaming down. Your post was shear exquisite expression of Love.


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