There is something extraordinary happening in the world…

Oct 14, 2015 – by Gustavo Tanaka

Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening…

A few months ago I freed myself from standard-procedure society, I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Why is the world changing? In this post I’ll point out the 8 reasons that lead me to believe it…

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Following Love Through to its Completion…

“The choice to follow love through to its completion is the choice to seek completion within ourselves.

The point at which we shut down on others is the point at which we shut down on life.

We heal as we heal others, and we heal others by extending our perceptions past their weaknesses…

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