L’Eclair Café… French with a Whiff… of American Vintage…
“January… is the…
Loneliest… month…
Of… the year“…
Read the heading of the… “journal de jour“…
Our beautiful… elegant… Christmas tree…
Has been… dismantled…
The festive décor… banished down the “cave“…
The postman delivers envelopes… full of bills rather than… coveted glamorous Christmas gifts…
Neighbours… bickering…
Sons and daughters are off to their… “Lycée… université“…
“Les vacances… c‘est fini“…
The holidays… are over…
The weather… bleak with fog and rain…
Weary… with displeasure…
We hop on bus 63… off at rue de Grenelle…
Hoping… pleading…
For a “leefteeng“… of “ze ésprit“…
One’s… depression…
Aah… we think…
Only a hot express… in a Parisian café…
Can shift… “Ze“… mood…
L’Eclair… Café / Bar..
Is just such… “une cure“…
It is so French… yet with a whiff of… American vintage…
“Trois express et croissants… s‘il vous plait“…
We beg… the tall affable waiter…
Our… order…
Is beautifully placed on the vintage… aged-metal round tables with lovely boiled eggs in holders sitting proudly on each… surrounded by rustic chairs and small round pouffes in the enclosed terrace…
The “accueillant” bar inside… is groaning with delicacies lusciously placed on their glass cake stands… from the usual “Gâteau au chocolat fondant“… to the much-loved-by-Parisians… the very American cheesecake and brownies among others… melodious melodies playing… groups of people tucking into their American hamburgers… (now a staple of the Parisian menu)… with relish… laughing and chatting while reviewing the year of 2012…
“Quelle… Année“…
But also hoping… for a better brand-new 2013…
“Encore… trois cafés express”…
We were feeling… good again…
Beaming… while holding our piping hot cups of coffee…
L’Eclair Café…
Est… mignon…
We… love it…
“Merci… et… à bientôt“…
We promise… the Gallicly charming waiter…
Is the… loneliest…
Month… of the year“…?
Who… said…