La Palette.. L’incontournable…

Arctic… Siberia…


It’s… cold…

It’s… icy…

Freezing… shivering…

Rushed into the old world charm… of the warm cavernous womb of our local bistro…

La.. Palette

Looking out of the window while writing this at our delightful rickety table.. I dreamily watched the fluffy white flakes of snow fluttering, swirling down… ethereal in their flawless beauty.

J’adore.. la neige

La.. Palette

Is renowned for being the traditional meeting place for the “étudiants“of the influential hallowed university of “École des Beaux-Arts“.  It was also frequented by the legendary artists of the era… Cézanne.. Picasso.. Braque… among others.

Reading the “journal.. Le Parisian“.. while sipping the soothing hot express.. my thoughts were meandering to “les années trente.. quarante“.. when these giants of Art were creating their masterpieces.  Certainly the ambience and the cozy atmosphere.. renders one’s vivid imagination to flourish and take flight.

Am I dreaming.. or is that the magnetic.. mesmeric Picasso walking through the door… do I hear the elegant Braque.. sitting right there in the corner with his circle of friends.. discussing their latest artworks…

And what about Cézanne.. the romantic post-Impressionist artist.. famed for his abundant use of pastel colours in his “Provençal” convivial family scenes.. frolicking in the fields of nature.. feasting on his much-loved “cuisine de terroir“.

Only.. in my dreams.

We usualy inhabit the small.. “intime“.. front room of the bistro which is filled with old-world paintings and artist’s palettes – so real.. one can almost smell the paint – preferring it to the second larger.. grander “salle.. à côté”.

A huge, majestic antique mirror completes the drama.. along with the handsome.. well-stocked bar manned with the very Gallic waiters serving the locals.

When the weather permits.. “la grande terrasse” is lovely.. a delight.. the best part of which is reserved for the formidable elitist gallery owners.. artists.. who indulge in their passion for having “un verre“.. while enjoying their inevitable robust “débat“.

La.. Palette


Drenched with its iconic historic past.. is also adored by the “jeunesse dorée” of the now…

So… very…

Rive… Gauche…

So… very…




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