A Farewell.. To Summer…
A… farewell…
To… summer…
Was… nigh…
Gazing… upon…
The… massive…
Gigantic… trees…
I… call…
My… friends…
The sweetest sadness… engulfed… enveloped… overwhelmed me.
The rich… lush… dark green leaves… on the glorious eloquent branches… under which I soared and roamed with my flights of unlimited imagination… writing down my thoughts, my doubts, my hopes, my fears…
Feelings… feelings…
Emotions… of Love…
Were turning into… burnished… auburn… autumn leaves.
The awesome trees… were my inspiration… my love affair with the highest force of nature… a near spiritual enhancement… responsible for igniting my creative journey… firing my imagination.
They forbade me… nothing.
I felt no restrictions… no boundaries…
They allowed me… intellectual and physical freedom…
I danced… with abandonment.
To… wander… to dream…
To… search…
And experience creativity… is the ultimate freedom.
“There is no gate, no lock, no bolt, that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” – Virginia Woolf
Shimmering in the final fading rays… days… of the sun… my trees much loved… in their infinite wisdom…
Were… gently…
Bidding… me…
But… only…
For… a moment.
For my… massive…
Dazzling… divine…
The… big trees…
Will… be back…
To… inspire me…
To… bathe me…
In… their shade…
In… Love…