Georges Braque.. Intellectual Artist…

“If… you…

Georges… Braque…

Were asked… to sum up…

The essence of Cubism… in just a few words…

What… would you say…?”

“On a surface that is drawn, constructed and painted, it gives a multiple vision of the world, offering all the facets of things simultaneously, drawing the eye back to the surface of the canvas, back from the horizon into which it had wandered, adrift in a space dictated by convention.”

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Martin Luther King… “I Have a Dream”…

President… Obama…

Commemorated today… in his speech…

“Keeping the dream alive”…

The 50th Anniversary of…

Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech… “I have a dream”…

Having studied the legendary Martin Luther King’s speech at university… I was left speechless… with the speech that left an indelible impression on me…

I dream… with fascination…

I weep… with inspiration…

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