Our “P’tit Déj”…at Café Sénéquier… | Côte D’Azur Travel Series


Is… scorching hot…

“Alerte à la canicule pour les prochains jours”…

“Le Var-matin”… headlined…

Armed with an ice-cold Badoit… we ventured into the heat-wave outside… with trepidation…

Walking hurriedly… through the lovely passageways dotted with shops… patisseries… and our regular newsagent… (where we bumped into the Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld while buying our magazines and newspapers)… along the short distance to our destination… the legendary…

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“Et Dieu Crea… Saint-Tropez”… | Côte D’Azur Travel Series…

“La Côte”…

Is our… second home…

We’re familiar… with every “nook and cranny”… every curve and turn… every precipice… even dangerous ones… like that of “La Turbie”…

We adore… ” La Côte d’Azur”…

The dazzling coastline from… Cannes to Monaco…

But our true “love affair”… has always been with…


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